Your Commercial Cleaning Company Should Go the Extra Mile

So you’re certain that you have selected the best office cleaning service available because they charge you something that is within the range of your budget; they offer you flexible schedules to fit yours, they use only natural products that are eco-friendly, and they are very attentive and always happy.  You are right, it sounds […]

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A Successful Business Is a Clean Business

Many professionals go to college and earn important degrees in order to be able to create and run a successful company, however, those MBA’s and PhD’s forget to teach them some of the basic and simplest secrets to success. What follows may seem pretty obvious, but it truly is not. Every successful company’s trademark is […]

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What is the Quality of the Air in Your Office?

Air quality is something everyone needs to be concerned about.  You have invested in quality janitorial services to keep your office free of dirt, bacteria and toxins.  It is just as important to ensure that the air in the office is clean and toxin free as well.  So, how do you know if the air […]

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Commercial Carpet Cleaning: Which Type to Choose?

If your office is carpeted, chances are you will need the help of a commercial cleaning service to get them cleaned.  You may already have this service as part of your cleaning contract, but have you ever questioned how your office carpets are cleaned, and if the methods are safe for you, your colleagues and […]

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A Clean Office is a Swine Flu Free Office

It only takes a cough from the colleague sitting next to us to turn us all into hypochondriacs.  We immediately think we are being infected with swine flu and run to the nearest pharmacy only to find out that all the facemasks are gone. It’s true that we have to be cautious in regards to […]

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Is Your Office Under Carpet Stain Alert?

Keeping carpets clean is the hardest thing to achieve when dealing with office cleaning.  If don’t believe it, just ask your commercial cleaning company. Every carpet needs regular cleaning to keep bacteria, dust, and dirt under control.  These are guilty for the deterioration of carpets and can really shorten their use.  However, the worse problem […]

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Go For Green Cleaning At the Office and Save Yourself

People today, and the generations to come, have to live with the sad and threatening reality of Global Warming over their heads.  Global warming is the result of glaciers melting, sea levels rising and rain forests and wildlife dying, and we, human beings, are to blame.  Yes, read it again:  It is our fault, we […]

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Take Your Business to the Next Level with Commercial Cleaning Services

For any company seeking to take there business to the next level, there is no doubt that hiring a well established, and professional commercial cleaning service, will be an essential part to your business’s success.  As you already know, the first impression of your business made to clients, as well as customers, dictates a lot […]

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Office Cleaning the Way Grandma Used to Clean

Who doesn’t believe that every past time was better?  We hear that all the time and there is a reason for it.  In the past, when our grandparents were growing up, no one wasted money, every penny was sacred.  And this was also true when cleaning.  Grandmas cleaned the old-fashioned way, and their houses were […]

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Tell Your Janitorial Service To Go Green

Going Green has quickly become one of the latest trends in a society who is becoming more and more aware of the toll they are taking on the environment.  However, many businesses are picking up on this opportunity, and are seeing what they can do to become more environmentally sensitive.  As a result, many businesses […]

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