Great Tips for Opening a Commercial Cleaning Service of Your Own

Do you have experience in the commercial cleaning field, and may be tired of your low paying job?  Or are you a person with little, or no commercial cleaning experience, but is looking for a low-cost way to start a business?  If this is you, or even if you are somewhere in between, you may […]

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The Importance of Office Cleaning at the End of the Lease

Many small, and not so small, businesses find themselves in the need to move one or several times due to growth, cost savings, and other important reasons.  Once your business moves, you are looking at completely new needs and requirements for cleaning, however, before you start thinking about that, you must ensure your old premises […]

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Once a Year Cleaning Jobs

Spring cleaning isn’t just something that homeowners need to do.  Oftentimes businesses have cleaning jobs that need only be done once or twice a year as well.  If you have a commercial cleaning company taking care of your place of business, consider asking them if they will also do this type of maintenance.  Deep cleaning […]

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The Importance of Green Cleaning in the Office

Maintaining a clean office can be a tough job if not performed by expert personnel.  Until recently, cleaning companies would use common house cleaning products to wipe tables, chairs, equipment, desks, windows, and for mopping the floors. Almost every office is in need of daily cleaning due to the level of activity that happens there, […]

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Important Tips to Select the Best Office Cleaning Service

Given the amount of activity that happens daily in an office, it is necessary to clean it regularly to ensure your clients, regular visitors and of course, your employees, enjoy the space and perceive you as a winner. A dirty and messy office not only scares clients away, but will directly and drastically affect productivity, […]

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Dust Your Way to a Cleaner Office Desk!

A build-up of dust at your office desk isn’t good for your health as it can irritate your respiratory system and also trigger allergies. Worktop electronics such as a PCs or laptops, keyboards, phones and desktop fans are especially notorious for accumulating dust. Here are some easy steps you can take to keep your desk […]

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Eight Top Hiding Spots for Office Germs!

A recent study found the average office desk contains 20,961 germs per square inch! The worst hot spots for germs? Phones, computer keyboards, and computer mice. If not cleaned regularly, they are a great breeding place for viruses that cause colds and flu. If you want to discover where other germ ‘hot spots’ are, and […]

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Benefits of a Clean Office

When we think about an office, we think about desks, computers and lots of papers.  Depending on the type of business, we can think about other types of equipment also, but, no matter what your business is about, the truth is that there are many documents that cannot be kept just electronically; we need a […]

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Is Your Cleaning Green? The Best Ways to Protect the Environment While Cleaning

It’s common to be worried about the outside environment, but have you ever considered how your indoor environment could affect you and the outside world too? In your office, one factor that can have a major impact on both is the cleaning methods that are used. If you want to ensure your cleaning is green, […]

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How to Hire the Right Commercial Cleaning Services

Dirty and untidy businesses are noticeable to customers, as well as important clients   How your business presents itself can speak volumes about who the company is, and a lot about the people in charge.  Although it might be time consuming, taking the time to find the right commercial cleaning company for your business will not […]

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