Secrets to an Efficient Office Cleaning

Cleaning a workplace efficiently is one of the most important aspects to a productive business. A clean and tidy workplace is one of the keys to keeping staff motivated and high-spirited. A clean and sanitized office influences workers to do things in a tidy fashion, keep their paperwork properly filed, and everything running in an […]

Cleaning is Also a Sensual Matter

Commercial cleaning is nowadays one of the services no company can do without. Professional office cleaning has become a matter of providing a service which is indispensable to carry on day to day activities. There is funny thing about cleanliness. When it is properly performed, no one seems to notice it, but when some aspects […]

Five Quick Tips For A Cleaner Fridge

The workplace fridge. . . lunch storage, gathering place. . . mold hotspot? The unpleasant but real truth is that many fridges are at risk for mold, both from spoiled food and water leakage.  Here are five tips to keep your workplace fridge clean and odor free. 1. Remind employees to clean out thier leftovers […]

Office Cleaning And Clutter Reduction

It really is true that a clean office is a more productive office. Think about all of those times that you have wasted valuable time searching for an important paper, only to discover that it was buried underneath stacks of papers on your desk.  Many creative people insist that a little clutter helps them function […]

Five Tips For Choosing The Best Cleaning Service

When it comes to choosing a cleaning service for all of your commercial cleaning, janitorial, and maintenance needs, there are a few important things to consider and keep in mind. Know What You’re Looking For: whether you have a small office building, a warehouse, or a corporation, the right company will be able to tailor […]