Once a Year Cleaning Jobs

Spring cleaning isn’t just something that homeowners need to do.  Oftentimes businesses have cleaning jobs that need only be done once or twice a year as well.  If you have a commercial cleaning company taking care of your place of business, consider asking them if they will also do this type of maintenance.  Deep cleaning […]

How to Hire the Right Commercial Cleaning Services

Dirty and untidy businesses are noticeable to customers, as well as important clients   How your business presents itself can speak volumes about who the company is, and a lot about the people in charge.  Although it might be time consuming, taking the time to find the right commercial cleaning company for your business will not […]

Office Cleaning Checklist….What Your Cleaners Should Do

When you pay for an office cleaning service, you want to get what you pay for. Commercial cleaning providers will often supply a checklist of services so you can choose how much or how little they do.  With Maintenance One, we perform a 32-Step Cleaning Service even on our most basic plans! If you don’t […]

Secrets to an Efficient Office Cleaning

Cleaning a workplace efficiently is one of the most important aspects to a productive business. A clean and tidy workplace is one of the keys to keeping staff motivated and high-spirited. A clean and sanitized office influences workers to do things in a tidy fashion, keep their paperwork properly filed, and everything running in an […]

Cleaning is Also a Sensual Matter

Commercial cleaning is nowadays one of the services no company can do without. Professional office cleaning has become a matter of providing a service which is indispensable to carry on day to day activities. There is funny thing about cleanliness. When it is properly performed, no one seems to notice it, but when some aspects […]