The Importance of Green Cleaning in the Office

Maintaining a clean office can be a tough job if not performed by expert personnel.  Until recently, cleaning companies would use common house cleaning products to wipe tables, chairs, equipment, desks, windows, and for mopping the floors.

Almost every office is in need of daily cleaning due to the level of activity that happens there, and this is a good and healthy practice, however, there is a drawback.  The most common cleaning products are made from non-recyclable resources, which although very effective, are highly toxic and capable of not only removing difficult dirt but also of affecting and altering our air and environment in a very negative way.

It is easy for offices to neglect cleaning in some level, and since most spaces are fully air-conditioned and closed, when toxic substances are applied, these remain there for hours and even days.  And guess where these substances end up… in our bodies.

Luckily, the importance of caring for our environment is being recognized worldwide today, and every day, more people are aware of the products they use and consume, including the ones used for cleaning.  This is especially important when talking about offices, because these utilize much bigger amounts of cleaning products and on a more regular basis, increasing their participation, be it negative or positive, in our environment’s current condition.

There are two serious consequences when using non-green products:

1.    Petroleum based products help consume this natural resource
2.    The toxic substances that are released into the air cause health problems, and the toxic cans are very hard to dispose of.  Most people just throw away these cans, which are not biodegradable, along with common trash; thus, toxic substances go into drains and landfills

Due to the above, more and more environmentally-minded people are turning to green cleaning options.  Going green stands for making choices to help protect our environment, and one of these choices is to use cleaning products made of renewable substances to enhance air quality and to clean in a natural way.

In support, the major cleaning brands have created non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-petroleum green products that work great for household and office cleaning.

A professional commercial cleaning service is aware of this situation and works to be prepared to support this common wellness initiative.  They learn about green products and the environment’s needs, in addition to making it a rule to use only eco-friendly products to provide their services.

Going green brings many long term and necessary benefits.  We present ourselves as conscious individuals that respect and love our planet, and we ensure our bodies are not poisoned with toxic substances that may cause serious health problems, and even death.

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